Chimney Point, Vermont

Chimney Point is an unincorporated community in the town of Addison in Addison County, Vermont, United States. It lies across Lake Champlain from Crown Point, New York. French settlers established the community of Hocquart near modern-day Chimney Point in 1730. This first settlement in Vermont grew to a considerable size before its inhabitants were driven out by the English.[1] The community is the location of Chimney Point State Historic Park.

In 1749 it was visited by Pehr Kalm, who wrote:

"I found quite a settlement, a stone wind-mill and fort in one, with five or six small cannon mounted; the whole enclosed by embankments. Within the enclosure was a neat church, and through the settlement well cultivated gardens, with some good fruit, as apples, plums, currants, etc...these settlements were extended north on the lake some four miles; the remains of old cellars and gardens still to be seen show a more thickly settled street than occupies it now."



Chimney Point on Lake Champlain in Vermont is one of the earliest, mostly intensely settled, and most strategic sites in the Champlain Valley, with human habitation going back as far as 7,500 years. At Chimney Point State Historic Park, exhibits and special events present the story of the three early cultures in the Chimney Point area — Native American, French colonial, and early American[2].

Beginning nearly 7,500 years ago, Native Americans regularly camped, hunted, and fished in the Chimney Point area. During what is called the Archaic period (7,000 - 1,000 B.C.), temperatures rose after the glaciers melted and caused the vegetation and types of animals to change significantly. Tools left behind by the first inhabitants show they adapted to the changing climate and moved with the seasons to hunt, fish, and gather food. They made spear throwers and stone spear points for hunting animals, and stone tools for cutting, scraping, and working wood and other stone[2].

In 1609, Frenchman Samuel de Champlain became the first European to explore this region and the lake that bears his name, traveling at least as far south as the Chimney Point area. In 1690, the British governor of New York sent Captain Jacobus de Warm from Albany to watch the French on Lake Champlain. At what would later be called Chimney Point, de Warm built a small stone defense that he, 12 English, and 20 Mohawks occupied for about a month.

In 1731, the French decided to firmly establish their presence on Lake Champlain and block the lake route from the British colonies to Canada by building a fort at the strategic narrows between Chimney Point and Crown Point, New York. The French called this area Pointe à la Chevelure or Crown Point. Crown referring to the top of a person's head (rather than to the monarchy). Their fort was a wooden stockade of posts, a fort de pieux, on top of the bluff at Chimney Point. About 100 feet (30 m) by 100 feet (30 m) in size, it had chambers for the commandant, chaplain, and the guard, and a kitchen, bakery, and storehouse. Twenty soldiers garrisoned it the first winter and it could hold up to thirty men. This was the first permanent French settlement in the Champlain valley.

The struggle for control in the new world intensified during the French and Indian War (1754-1763). In the summer of 1759, as British Major General Jeffrey Amherst and his army closed in, the French retreated northward to Canada, blowing up Fort St. Frédéric and burning their houses. All that remained of the houses were the chimneys and a new name—Chimney Point.

In the mid-1780s, the main, two-story section of the Chimney Point tavern was likely constructed. In 1791, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison visited Chimney Point, and the tavern.[3]

In 1966, the State of Vermont bought the Chimney Point property to protect it from private development. In 1971, it was listed in the National Register of Historic Places for its long and significant history. Chimney Point is one of the oldest taverns in Vermont and has one of the most intact early tap rooms, as well as an intact rural post office.

Chimney Point State Historic Park

The park had 2,962 visitors in 2009 during the 99 days it was open during the summer months.[4]


From June 14 to October 11, 2:00-4:00 PM., the park hosts Sunday Afternoon Specials. These events include playing period games and hands-on activities such as making ancient stone tools or throwing an atlatl[2].

The park hosts the annual Northeast Open Atlatl Championship. An atlatl is a prehistoric spear launcher used for hunting game. On the Friday before the Championship, a workshop is open to teach modern and traditional techniques of atlatl and dart construction, flint knapping, hafting stone points, and cordage making[5].


Chimney Point is located at geographical coordinates 44° 2′ 10″ North, 73° 25′ 5″ West (44.035980, -73.418159).


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ a b c Chimney Point State Historic Site,
  3. ^ [2]
  4. ^ "Vt. historic site closes for lake bridge work". Burlington, Vermont: Burlington Free Press. 15 June 2010. pp. 8B. 
  5. ^ Chimney Point State Historic Site - Atlatl Championship,

External links